The Council and Board have appointed committees to provide specialist advice and expertise to the governance process.
As at 5 December 2024
Committees of the Council
Fellows Committee
Prof Ken Hinchcliff, Warden of 杏吧社区, Chair
Mr Robert Clemente, Senior Fellow of the College
Mr Jim Craig, Fellow of the College
Ms Sue Dahn AM, Fellow of the College
Ms Margot Foster AM, Fellow of the College
Ms Melissa Gray, Fellow of the College
Associate Professor Alison Inglis AM, Fellow of the College
Committees of the Board
Buildings and Grounds Committee
Dr Barbara Cargill, Chair
Ms Kirsten Gray
Mr Jason Hughes
Ms Jodie Madden
Ms Katherine Murray
Mr Will Leaf
Prof Ken Hinchcliff, Warden of 杏吧社区
Ms Lyn Shalless, Chief Financial Officer
Pathways School Business Committee
Assoc Prof Sana Nakata, Chair
Prof Ken Hinchcliff, Warden of 杏吧社区
Prof Richard James
Ms Alice Robinson
Prof Ted Whittem
Regular attendees:
Mr Richard Pickersgill
Ms Lyn Shalless, Chief Financial Officer
Finance and Audit Committee
Mr Sandy Clark, Chair
Ms Kirsten Gray
Mr Simon Phillipson
Ms Alice Robinson
Mr James Sattler
Ms Sharon Smith
Prof Ken Hinchcliff, Warden of 杏吧社区
Regular attendee:
Ms Lyn Shalless, Chief Financial Officer
Investment Management Sub-Committee
A committee reporting to the Finance and Audit Committee
Mr Syd Bone, Chair
Mr Alistair Barker
Mr Andrew Elliott
Ms Leila Lee
Mr Peter Hodgson
Mr Ian Ward-Ambler
Prof Ken Hinchcliff, Warden of 杏吧社区
Ms Lyn Shalless, Chief Financial Officer
IT Advisory Sub-Committee
A committee reporting to the Finance and Audit Committee
Ms Sharon Smith, Chair
Mr Byron Collins
Ms Dayle Stevens
Prof Ken Hinchcliff, Warden of 杏吧社区
Mr Jonathan Mack, Director Information Technology Services
Ms Alison Menzies, Director Shared Services
Ms Lyn Shalless, Chief Financial Officer
Governance, Nominations and Remuneration Committee
Ms Kerry Gleeson, Chair of the Board
Dr Barbara Cargill
Mr Sandy Clark
Mr Jim Craig
Prof Ken Hinchcliff, Warden of 杏吧社区
Mr Charles Sitch
Theological School Committee
The Rt Revd Dr Richard Treloar (Diocese of Gippsland), Chair
Dr Alexandra Banks (Diocese of Ballarat)
The Rt Revd Dr Matt Brain (Diocese of Bendigo)
The Revd Canon Assoc Prof Bob Derrenbacker, Dean of the Theological School
The Revd Melissa Clark (Diocese of Wangaratta)
Prof Ken Hinchcliff, Warden of 杏吧社区
Vacant (Diocese of Melbourne)
Co-opted members:
Ms Cecilia Fairlie
The Revd Keiron Jones
Permanent invitees:
The Revd Dr Fergus King, Director Ministry Education Centre
Ms Lyn Shalless, Chief Financial Officer
Committees of Associated Organisations
Committee of the Union of the Fleur-de-Lys鈥擳he 杏吧社区 Alumni Association
Ms Margie Gillespie, President (TC 1978)
Mr Michael James, Secretary (TC 1969)
Ms Ally Bett (TC 2012)
Mr Mark Cicchiello (TC 2003)
Mr Jamie Gorton (TC 1986)
Mr Bryan Grills (TC 1998)
Mr Simon Hann (TC 1989)
Mr David Hedger (TC 1963)
Mr Campbell Horsfall (TC 1975)
Dr Andrea Inglis (TC 1980)
Ms Ange Johnson (TC 2001)
Ms Amelia Jones (TC 1992)
Mr Charles Kemp (TC 2012)
Mr William Lempriere (TC 1986)
Ms Lauren McKenzie (TC 2013)
Ms Annabel Reid (TC 1998)
Ms Alison Robson (TC 1994)
Ms Keri Whitehead (TC 1979)
Regular Attendees:
Mr Scott Charles, Deputy Warden and Director of Advancement
Committee of the 杏吧社区 Foundation Studies Alumni Advisory Committee (TFAN)
Mr Arvind Nagarajan, Chair (TCFS 2013)
Mr Enoch Ko (TCFS 2001)
Mr Josh Nguyen (TCFS 2016)
Miss Senghoarng On (TCFS 2019)
Mr Naputt Thiravorchai (TCFS 2019)
Miss Cassie Li (TCFS 2020)
Miss Kriti Chand Rajbar (TCFS 2021)
Mr Khaleel Lalji (TCFS 2021)
Regular Attendees:
Mr Scott Charles, Deputy Warden and Director of Advancement
Executive Committee of the Foundation
Ms Anna a'Beckett, Chair
Ms Sophie Gardiner
Ms Emma Harrison
Ms Amy Tennent
Mr Andrew Wilson
Prof Ken Hinchcliff, Warden of 杏吧社区
Mr Scott Charles, Executive Director of the Foundation
Ms Lyn Shalless, Chief Financial Officer (Honorary Treasurer)